Hey there!

I'm Barath

Statistics @UW & Software Engineer

More About Me!

About Me


Hi! My name is Barath and I am a fourth/final year student studying Statistics and Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, Canada. I love all things Engineering & Product! So far, I have worked at Harled Inc, Horizon AI, PointClickCare, and Manulife. As of today, I hold 2 years of software engineering work experience.

My most impactful work was @Manulife where I built integration solutions using Azure, hardened Azure servers using Ansible/Chef, did React UI development, and contributed to Python ETL work across 2 coop terms.

Some of my hobbies include playing basketball, listening to music, writing songs, and reading books. I LOVE the Goosebumps series so if you enjoy it too, let's connect :)

Actively seeking Sept. - Dec. 2024 Software Engineering Internships. I enjoy backend work (e.g., cloud, data, machine learning) but am open to all opportunities!

Please get in touch with me @Email. Enjoy the rest of your stay!

Skills Experience Education









Jan. 2024 - Apr. 2024

Cloud Engineering Intern

Manulife, Canada

- Proved out Qualys Cloud Agent functionality in Ansible by leveraging Azure, Ansible Modules, and YAML

- Built a Chef feature using Ruby to validate access control policies (Sudo, HBAC) during the provisioning of a server, strengthening security and reducing server deployment time by 15%

May 2023 - Aug. 2023

Software Engineering Intern (Migration)

Manulife, Canada

- Led the effort to transform and load 20+ client dental fields into an upgraded database using Spark and DataBricks

- Refactored codebase for a mission-critical React project by consolidating logic, modularizing code, and deleting files

- Built a performant API-driven table rendering functionality (< 3s response) using JavaScript, React, and Material UI

- Added button functionality and conditional fields to streamline client data entry using React Hooks and JSX

- Recognized for building engineering documentation (e.g., diagrams) for the team’s core projects on Confluence

Sep. 2022 - Dec. 2022

Software Engineering Intern (Salesforce)

Manulife, Canada

- Integrated Manulife Bank (SOAP) with Salesforce (REST) using Azure to enable low-latency bidirectional interaction

- Introduced Azure Logic Apps for this integration by proving a simpler SOAP to REST flow (low-code), 42% more performance (< 1s latency), and little to no downtime than the previously deployed model—which used PCF

- Solved authentication using Azure App Service Environment to allow the Logic App to hit bank’s on-prem SOAP APIs

- Identified a weak security protocol and resolved it by implementing OAuth 2.0 to the Logic App using Azure AD

- Automated execution by enabling Salesforce to successfully consume the Azure Logic App through Apex code

Jan. 2022 - Apr. 2022

Software Engineering Intern (Internal Services)

PointClickCare, Canada

- Built an Azure Health Function using Java to detect the health of the team’s Redis cache application, PostgreSQL database application, as well as an internal API for availability monitoring

- Leveraged multithreading with Python to reduce the runtime of script validation for OHDSI Athena datasets with 150,000+ rows by 56%

- Provisioned an Azure Event Hub using Java and Terraform to enable parallel ingestion of ~22 million patient data

- Estimated engineering effort needed to map 68 data fields to FHIR using SQL for a 2-year ONC Certification project

- Met Mike Wessinger (Co-founder), Andrew Datars (SVP Engineering), and Haseem Kheiri (Distinguished Engineer) one-on-one

May 2021 - Aug. 2021

Software Engineering Intern (Core APIs)

PointClickCare, Canada

- Engineered a new API in 1 week (half a sprint) using Spring to inform 10,000+ vendors on ancillary charge statuses

- Integrated comprehensive unit tests with JUnit for public APIs to improve API robustness and maintainability

- Maintained 3 public API documentations cooperatively with the Product Team using YAML and Java

Nov. 2020 - May. 2021

Software Engineer

Horizon AI, Canada

- Designed and implemented the prototype of Horizon Access, an IAM system, with Python, Django, and PostgreSQL

- Built a feature in Django that receives JSON and automates SQL queries under ~0.05s to display frontend tables

- Deployed Apache Kafka big data pipelines to enable client-side vehicle IoT data streaming (~15GB per day)

Aug. 2020 - Nov. 2020

Software Developer Intern

Harled Inc., Canada

- Introduced REST API approach and built the system design of Harled's Equipment Tracking System with team

- Automated GPS JSON responses with Python to decrease software testing time by 50%

- Leveraged PostgreSQL via Django ORM for storing and retrieving equipment data to promote development

Sep. 2020 - Dec. 2020

Workshop Lead

University of Waterloo Data Science Club, Canada

- Initiated and led "Python for Data Analysis" 1-hour live workshop for 25+ students covering Pandas and NumPy

- Orchestrated a “Natural Language Processing” 30 minute live workshop on Word Embeddings and the NLP Pipeline

Sep. 2020 - Nov. 2020

Project Engineer

University of Waterloo, Canada

- Led 3 researchers on a data analysis to understand the effects of impure training data on ML models

- Drove a failure analysis of the problems, formulated a solution design, and drafted an academic paper

Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2025

Statistics, Computing Minor (CS)

University of Waterloo

- 3.90/4.00 CGPA

- Data Science Club, Statistics Club, Problem Lab

Sep. 2016 - Apr. 2020

High School Diploma

Chinguacousy Secondary School

- 95% in Grade 12

- Aramark Inspire Award (valued at $150)



Exploring single and multi-page applications from a technical perspective.

Top 4 AI Technologies

My take on the 4 AI technologies pioneering our industry today.

Machine Learning?

A delicate introduction to Machine Learning for beginners.

Beauty of Algorithms

My unique twist in uncovering the necessity, power, and beauty of algorithms.

From A to Z

Defining the Software Development Lifecycle. My proudest written piece.

More Than Just Writing Code

Visiting the deeper meaning behind code. My first written piece.


all web application games
portfolio View Project

Hi-Expense: Financial Management Software

Project Brief:

Hi-Expense is a personal financial management software. It has integrated end-to-end authentication with register, login, and password reset functionality. Users can add their expenses and well as their income and track them over time. One can also delete and edit such entries. There is an extensive ajax search functionality for users to search by "source", "amount", "category", "description", "date", and more. This application allows for export capability to CSV, Excel, and/or PDF as well. Last but not least, there is a responsive dynamic expense chart for data visualization. This helps to graphically present expenses. Users are also given the ability to choose their preferred currency: over 100 currencies available!

Project Info:

  • Date - 2022
  • Info - Personal Project
  • Tech Stack - Python, Django, JavaScript, Chart.js, PostgreSQL, HTML, and CSS
  • Link(s) - @GitHub
portfolio View Project

ShareNote: Online Word Processor

Project Brief:

ShareNote is a real-time online word processor. This application allows a user to generate, edit, save, and share documents. With the help of Socket.IO, ShareNote allows for document collaboration (co-authoring). Every document is associated with a unique documentId. This approach allows for the seperation of documents. No 2 documents will be the same. The text editor was built using the Quill API. Data is managed via MongoDB. Socket.IO handles real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication.

Project Info:

  • Date - 2021
  • Info - Personal Project
  • Tech Stack - JavaScript, Socket.IO, Quill, React, MongoDB
  • Link(s) - @GitHub
portfolio View Project

Barath's Portfolio

Project Brief:

My personal portfolio adopts both a single-page application and mobile responsive design. Both concepts were new to me and I am happy I got to learn them! HTML handles the content, CSS handles the styling, and JavaScript handles the communication layer. When you toggled for this description, JavaScript executed! This project will be constantly maintained/updated.

Project Info:

  • Date - 2021
  • Info - Personal Project
  • Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Link(s) - @Site, @GitHub
portfolio View Project

COVID-19 Cases Tracker

Project Brief:

With COVID-19's recent boom, there were thousands of articles, news reports, and videos covering cases around the world. I quickly felt overwhelmed by the amount of information being released daily. To make things simpler for my family and I, this one-stop web-application was developed. One can in a matter of minutes note how the virus is progressing all across the world. Big thanks to the John Hopkins University GitHub repository maintainers! An amazing learning experience working on this Tracker!

Project Info:

  • Date - 2020
  • Info - Personal Project
  • Tech Stack - Java, Spring, HTML, Thymeleaf, and JHU's open GitHub data repository
  • Link(s) - @YouTube (demo), @GitHub
portfolio View Project

Hangman Game

Project Brief:

This is a terminal version of the Hangman game where anyone, who clones the repository and runs the Python script, can play! The purpose of this game was to serve as a delicate ice-breaker for 1-on-1 coffee-chats I had. I was also curious about game development and wanted to try experimenting. Please note that no new rules were added to the game and everything follows as the original Hangman. For those who are new to the game of Hangman, please refer here. Please visit the GitHub link to get started with the game!

Project Info:

  • Date - 2020
  • Info - Personal Project
  • Tech Stack - Python, Z Shell
  • Link(s) - @GitHub


Barath is the best co-op student I’ve ever worked with. We were planning to use him for UI and API development in Node JS and React, which he did in the first part, and he did an amazing job. Half way through his term he realized that the team needed some help writing migration ETL modules, which was our primary focus and a bit behind the schedule at a time. Soon after, with no formal training, just working with his teammates; he was writing ETLs in Python, deploying and running them in Azure Databricks/Jenkins. That was a huge help for the team. I would love to see him come back full-time.

testimonial Radomir Despotovic, Product Owner @Manulife

I had the opportunity to work with many COOP students for the last 4 years and often notice that working with a data analyst requires some acclimation time. But for Barath, right from the start, he displayed an outstanding level of interest, curiosity, and care for his tasks during our multiple joint development activities...My confidence level was high on each task we worked and the results of the delivered solution from Barath is evidence of his excellent teamwork.

testimonial José Raposo, Data Analyst @Manulife

Barath worked my team during the summer of 2023. This was a very busy and challenging time for us with multiple deadlines quickly approaching. Barath was able to quickly onboard and hit the ground running quite quickly with little assistance. Throughout this work term I very much appreciated Barath’s willingness to ask questions and proactiveness of looking for additional work if committed sprint work was completed early...I would definitely recommend Barath for anyone considering him in a future role.

testimonial Peter Vanelli, Software Engineering Manager @Manulife

Barath excelled in his technical abilities developing in Azure and working with cloud technologies. He spearheaded an initiative to design/build a replacement for a NodeJS application running on a vendor platform as an Azure Logic App. Barath both worked with and demonstrated abilities in authentication/authorization, certificate management, networking, API development, logging, Azure Logic App workflows, and more.

testimonial Gareth Sharpe, Sr. Software Engineer @Manulife

I had a small role in working with Barath at Manulife. Right from the first interaction we had I found the engagement really enjoyable. He had great communication skills and from what I discern he was successful in the technical project he was given.

testimonial Craig Laverty, Sr. Software Engineer @Manulife

I had a pleasure of knowing Barath while he was doing his internship with us. What made him standout from the crowd was his drive to learn, will to take on challenges and persistence to find solutions to difficult problems. I am confident that he would turn out to be a creative engineer and would do great things in his future.

testimonial Haseem Kheiri, Distinguished Engineer @PointClickCare

I had the pleasure of managing Barath during his co-op at PointClickCare. Over his 4-month term with us he quickly became a valuable member of our Engineering team. During this time, he helped implement multiple API’s, webhook notifications, and created thorough unit tests. I’d welcome him back to our organization in the future without hesitation.

testimonial Dean Pitts, Software Engineering Manager @PointClickCare

It was a pleasure to work with Barath during his coop term at PointClickCare. Throughout the 4 months he contributed to many APIs, services, documentation and workflows. I could tell he had a lot of interest in the work from the questions he asked. Happy to have contributed to his career growth and hopefully see him back at PointClickCare.

testimonial William Yung, Principal Test Engineer @PointClickCare

Barath and I worked in the same team developing public APIs with millions of calls per day. He was engaged since day one, not afraid of asking questions and completing everything that was assigned to him. What impressed me the most was to find out that he documented in details how he did the tasks and everything he learned. What he produced will serve the team for a very long time.

testimonial Hildeberto M., Sr. Software Engineer @PointClickCare

I have a great experience working with Barath in his co-op term at Pointclickcare. His approach to work is very enthusiastic and it was a big pleasure to have him in my team. He has done all his tasks with due diligence. Barath has a great attitude for work and he will definitely be a great asset to any company he goes to.

testimonial Nupur B., Sr. Test Engineer @PointClickCare

I mentored Barath as part of Java Training program. He is very talented individual who is always eager to learn something new. He is an active learner and tries out concepts with practical implementation...He will be an asset to any team he joins.

testimonial Palani P., Tech Lead @TD

I mentored Barath during his involvement in the UWaterloo Zero Experience program...He spent many hours with his team analyzing the reliability, security, and legalities of data used in artificial intelligence...And a significant part of why his team functioned so smoothly and positively was due to his leadership and organization.

testimonial Holden Beggs, CEO @Scope Photonics

It was a pleasure working with Barath. He is a diligent software developer and an enthusiastic member of [the Horizon AI] team...it’s always a fun and insightful experience chatting with him! His hard work in our team for the past year earns my recommendation.

testimonial Peter Ke, SE '24 @UW

Barath is an enthusiastic, dedicated, motivated, inspiring young man. He uses both his heart and mind to help individuals, organizations, communities and humanity become better world citizens. Barath was one of our "hero" authors in our "Awaken Your Inner Hero" Book.

testimonial Susan Howson, CEO @Kids Coaching Connection

Barath joined GEMCO as the founding Director of Web Development...he single-handedly developed a user-friendly website (both desktop & mobile formats) which saved our charity organization so much money and time...[A] dedicated, hard-working individual who always has integrity, a kind heart, and a positive can-do attitude!

testimonial Melody Chang, CEO @GEMCO Official

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